Ask Larry

Can I Take Out A Hardship Loan Based On Money I've Paid To Social Security?

Hello, I am in a really hard spot right now, as I lost my job a few months ago and my son's Dad (who has been temporarily staying with us because my ex-roommate skipped out on me,) lost his job a couple weeks ago, we have no income at all and we have no way to pay rent next month. I am currently taking trade classes so I will be employed by January but I am facing eviction before then if the bills don't get paid. I am 27 and know I have $14000 in SS. Can I take out a hardship loan? if so how do I do it.


No, Social Security doesn't make loans. I assume the $14000 you refer to is what you've paid in Social Security taxes, and that money isn't refundable. The only way that you can receive money from Social Security is to qualify for benefits (

Best, Jerry

Nov 6 2017 - 2:39pm
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