Ask Larry

Can I Sign Up Today And Start My Benefits Two Weeks Later?

Can I sign up for SS benefits today 3.30.22 but start them on 4.14.22? Will these 2 weeks impact the dollar amount I receive?

Hi. Social Security applications can be filed up to 4 months prior to the month you want to start benefits, so yes, assuming that you meet the requirements for eligibility you could file today and elect April as your initial month of entitlement. You can't pick a specific day to start your benefits, though, just the month. Also, Social Security benefits are paid a month behind, so if you elect to start benefits effective with April your first payment would not be due until May.

Whether or not the month you choose to start benefits would make a difference in your benefit rate depends on the type of benefit you claim and your age. For example, Social Security retirement benefits can potentially be claimed effective with any month from age 62 to age 70, and each month would yield a different monthly benefit rate.

It sounds like you should strongly consider using our software ( to fully analyze all of your filing options so that you can determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Mar 30 2022 - 3:03pm
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