Ask Larry

Can I Receive My Full Social Security Benefits At Age 70 If I Am Still Working In Canada?

Can I receive my full Social Security benefits at age 70 if I am still working in Canada?

Hi. Yes, assuming that you've earned enough U.S. Social Security credits to qualify for benefits. Earnings in any amount wouldn't affect your ability to collect U.S. Social Security benefits once you reach full retirement age (FRA) no matter where you're working.

However, if you're drawing a Canadian pension based on your work in that country then your U.S. Social Security retirement benefits may be reduced due to the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
Our software ( is fully programmed to handle WEP computations, so you should strongly consider using the software to explore all of you options so that you can determine the best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Oct 2 2021 - 9:05pm
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