Ask Larry

Can I Receive Divorced Spousal Benefits From The Railroad And My Social Security Benefits?

At age 62 will I be able to receive divorced spousal benefits from the railroad and at retirement age draw my social security benefits?


Potentially, yes. However, you can only receive the higher of your Social Security benefit rate or your Tier 1 Railroad rate, not both simultaneously. In addition to the higher of those 2 rates, you could be paid any Tier 2 Railroad benefits to which you are entitled.

In some cases, it's optimal for a person receiving Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits to wait until age 70 to claim their Social Security benefits. Delayed retirement credits ( can be accrued even while person is receiving RR benefits.

For more information, refer to the Railroad Retirement Board's website:

Best, Jerry

Jun 6 2017 - 8:14am
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