Ask Larry

Can I Receive Divorced Spousal Benefits And Keep Working?

HI Larry,
I am 63 years old. I am presently employed. I make 45,000 per year. However my job may al but be eliminated by this August by the state of Illinois and their budget cuts
I am looking at collecting my benefits from my spouse with whom I am divorced. A 12 year marriage. I am entitled to the ssi benefits. 42% so I am told. But I am not understanding is that thee is a cap? on total you can collect and earn. A total of 16,500.00 per year....I do not know if I understood correctly. That is the total amount for those collecting disability. I am hoping I can look forward to collection my husbands ssi and still working and surpassing the "cap." Am I understanding this correctly?


One important thing to understand is that if you file for divorced spousal benefits before full retirement age (FRA), you'll also be deemed to have filed for retirement benefits on your own record and you will only receive essentially the higher of the 2 benefits. And, until you reach FRA, your benefits would be subject to possible withholding due to the Social Security earnings (

If you were born prior to January 2 1954, your best filing strategy may be to file for divorced spousal benefits only at FRA, and then switch to your own record at age 70. You may want to strongly consider running the maximization software available on this website in order to be sure that you choose the best filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

May 16 2017 - 8:09am
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