Ask Larry

Can I Get My Husband's SSI?

My husband get SSI
I'm not working
Can I get his SSI

Hi. First off, I don't know if you mean that your husband receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI), or Social Security benefits. If your husband receives SSI, then the only way that you could get SSI is if you meet the SSI eligibility requirements yourself. SSI is a needs based benefit, and the requirements for SSI eligibility can be found on the following Social Security website:

If, on the other hand, your husband is receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, then you might qualify for spousal benefits if you're either at least age 62 or if you have a child in your care who is eligible for benefits on your husband's record and who is either under age 16 or is disabled. More information regarding the requirements for spousal benefits can be found in the following section of Social Security's handbook:

Best, Jerry

Mar 17 2021 - 2:31pm
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