Ask Larry

Can I File and Suspend before FRA?

Hi, my husband is 63 (born 1/4/53)and working. I am 62 (born 2/27/54) and currently not working but am eligible for my own ss at age 66. Under the new law should he wait to file and suspend until I file at FRA ? Can he receive 50% of my ss benefits if I also file and suspend? Or am I eligible to receive 50% of his benefits if he files at FRA and I wait until FRA to file? Also at age 70 would I then be eligible for 50% of his full benefit or only mine which would be less money? I am so confused! Thanks, Barb

Barb, you can file as early as 62 but no one can suspend until their full retirement age (FRA). April 29 2016 was the deadline to suspend under the old rules and anyone who suspends after that deadline does so under the new rules, which means that no one can collect an auxiliary benefit such as a spousal benefit while the retirement benefit is suspended. If you file for your spousal benefit before your FRA, you'll be deemed to have also filed for your retirement benefit and both will be reduced. And because you were born after January 1 1954, you can't file just for your spousal benefit even at or after your FRA. If your spousal benefit is larger than your retirement benefit even after delaying until 70, you'll receive your larger spousal benefit. It's not possible to say exactly what your best strategy is without more information. Our software can determine how to maximize your lifetime household benefits. Thanks, John

Jul 12 2016 - 7:15pm
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