Ask Larry

Can I Collect My Monthly SS Payment And My Tier 2 RR Payment?

I have worked the last 26 years paying into SS but early in my career I worked 22 years under RR retirement. If I retire at 70 (in a few months) my SS monthly payment will be higher than my Tier 1 RR by $440 a month. (I am currently collecting my RR retirement and half my Tier 2 payment). My question, since my SS monthly payment will be higher will I be able to collect my monthly SS payment and my Tier 2 RR retirement payment? Thank You


Yes. If you file for both Social Security (SS) and Railroad Retirement (RR) benefits, you'll be paid the higher of a) your Tier 1 RR amount or your SS amount, plus b) your Tier 2 RR benefits. In other words, collecting your SS benefits would only offset your Tier 1 RR benefits, not your Tier 2 benefits.

Best, Jerry

Apr 25 2020 - 9:31am
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