Ask Larry

Are You Allowed To Collect Both SSDI And UI In Hawaii?


In the State of Hawaii; are you able to Collect SSDI & UI?
SSA stated that it wouldn’t affect my SSDI Benefits if I continue to collect Unemployment Benefits.
That it is up the UNemplyment Department.
(I recently just start my Trial Work Period) (6months)
Recently due to COVID-19- I got layed off.
Unemployment sent me a letter; a Medical Waiver to fill out of approval for my Dr.’s to sign for me to work.
Months Later-
I received a phone call finally from Unemployment Office yesterday stating that I am not able to receive Unemployment if I am on Disability.
I filled out the necessary paperwork UI had asked from me. Filled out, Emailed, & Appealed ALL OF THE NECESSARY documents they had asked of me since March.
I have updated SSDI with all of the above and read thru the Ticket to Work Program - Trial Work Period in which it states as long as I meet the Requirements; the rate of pay would not have interfered with my SSDI Benefits.
Considering that UI benefits, I worked for as I did my researching.
I feel as if I may be losing out on benefits I thought I worked for and with all the energy and run around that I did back and forth was basically all for nothing?


I'm sorry, but my only area of expertise is Social Security benefits. All I can tell you is that what you were apparently told by Social Security is correct. That is, if you qualify for unemployment benefits, it will have no effect on your Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits. The only type of income that can affect SSDI benefits is earned income (i.e. wages or self-employment income). I have no knowledge of the rules governing unemployment insurance in the state of Hawaii.

Best, Jerry

Aug 30 2020 - 1:29pm
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