Ask Larry

Am I Better Off Waiting Until Age 70 To Switch To My Own Benefits?

I am 66. My wife died 7 years ago at age 56.
I started collecting survivor benefits a couple of years ago and continue to do so.
My benefit is higher than hers.
Am I better of waiting to switch to my benefit now or waiting til I turn 70.
I have some health issues from cancer treatment I underwent in my 20s so I am probably not going to live to an old age.
Thank you.


I'm sorry for your loss.

You'll have to decide for yourself when to switch to your own benefits based on a number of variables. It's normally good strategy to wait until age 70 in a circumstance like yours, but health problems can change things. The main factors to consider are your maximum lifespan and the relative amounts of your own benefit rate vs. your widower's rate. The smaller the difference is between the two rates, the more likely it is that you'd be better off waiting until age 70 to apply.

You may want to consider using our software ( to help you determine the best strategy given your individual circumstances.

Best, Jerry

Apr 20 2020 - 7:43am
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