Ask Larry

Would You Know When The Next Recalculation Will Occur?

Hi Larry--I am waiting to receive delayed retirement credits per the rule I am aware of where the credits show up in January after the year they are earned. I reached my NRA of 66 in November of 2020 and began benefits a year later at age 67 (12 months of delayed credits due). When I began receiving benefits, I was credited for the 2 months of delay earned in late 2020 and would be due the remaining 10 months of delayed credits beginning in January of 2022. However, to date, I have not been credited for these additional amounts. In one of your articles, you mentioned that this recalculation only takes place periodically. Would you know when the next recalculation occurs? It is now coming up on 11 months since I should have begun receiving those additional 10 months of credits. Thank you.

Hi. No, Social Security doesn't publish a schedule showing when the processing of recomputations to credit partial year delayed retirement credits (DRC) will occur. In my experience, those types of recomputations are performed within 2 years of the month the increase is due, so I would say that you could expect the remainder of your DRCs to be credited no later than the end of 2023. When the recomputation is processed, Social Security will pay you the back pay that you're due retroactive to January 2022.

Best, Jerry

Oct 30 2022 - 12:13pm
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