My husband is 74 and only receiving $1260 per month social security. I will be 66 in November 2018- a year and a half from now. Under the new laws is it possible for me to file spousal benefits (50% of what he is receiving monthly) and not touch my working benefits until I am 70 in order to maximize my earnings benefits at that age? Does the new laws prohibit me from collecting spousal benefits if I wait to file for my own social security benefits until age 70? The Government web page seems to imply that I can no longer do this and we had planned to do this for years to help us with our retirement. I was born in 1952 thank you for your time.
Good news! Since you were born prior to January 2 1954, you will still be able to file a restricted application for spousal benefits only at age 66, and then switch to your own record at age 70 (
Best, Jerry