Ask Larry

Will I Receive Credit For My Earnings Even If They Are Reported Late?

I am a 28 year old pastor, and I recently realized that our tax professional made a significant mistake on the last 5 years of my taxes. He didn't report any social security, and as a result, I have "0" balances for those years on my social security statement. I'm in the process of working with a new tax professional to clear this up. My question is about years 2012 and 2013 - since they are past the 3 year and 3 month mark, do I need to pay those years back? If so, will I still get credit for them when I retire even though they were paid late? Thanks.


Social Security won't give you credit for any self-employment earnings reported on an amended tax return that's filed more than 3 years, 3 months and 15 days after the end of the tax year in question.

Therefore, unless you meet one of the exceptions to the Statute of Limitations (, there would be no way at this point to receive Social Security credit for any years prior to 2014 even if the IRS requires you to pay self-employment taxes for those years. I'm no expert on IRS rules, though, so I don't know what your liability with them may be.

Best, Jerry

Dec 21 2017 - 10:09am
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