Ask Larry

Will I Have To Pay Full Taxes On The Socical Security Back Pay I Received?

A few month ago I wrote to you about $25,000 that SSA put in my checking account. My wife turned 62 a year and half before me, she took her SS, a year an half later I took my SS; seems like her SS payments should have gone up do to my higher earnings. SSA also put $4,718.00 in my grown sons account?..Question will I have to full taxes on the 25 K or shouldn't I only have to pay the 20% or whatever it is? All This came about due to my passing away after being married to my for 55yrs. I called SSA to stop SS check and then this happened.


I'm sorry but I'm not an expert on tax laws so I don't know the answer to your question. Here's a link to a reference I located on IRS's website:

Best, Jerry

May 8 2018 - 3:12pm
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