Ask Larry

Will Dividends And Interest From Stocks & Mutual Funds Negatively Impact My SS Benefits?

I understand if I continue to work past 62 y/o, the employment income will negatively impact my monthly social security benefit. Will dividends and interest from stocks and mutual funds negatively impact my S.S. benefit? Also, should I delay 401K withdrawels as long as possible? Thanks! RLG


No, the only type of income that counts for purposes of the Social Security earnings test is earnings from either gross wages or net earnings from self-employment ( I can't advise you about investments other than Social Security, but if you're thinking about drawing your Social Security benefits at age 62 in order to delay making 401K withdrawals you may be doing things backward. You can read Larry's thoughts on this subject in the following article:

Before deciding when to start drawing your Social Security benefits, you may first want to strongly consider using our software to explore and compare your options.

Best, Jerry

May 13 2019 - 11:08am
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