Ask Larry

Why Are Retirees Penalized For Continuing To Work?

Why in the world are retirees penalized because we want to continue to work when the government pays kids out there just to stay home? Makes no sense what-so-ever!!

Hi. I assume that you're referring to the Social Security earnings test ( The earnings test can result in full or partial withholding of a person's Social Security benefits if they claim benefits prior to their full retirement age (FRA).

When Congress created the Social Security program, their intent was to provide older individuals with a source of income that would replace at least a portion of the income that they would lose when their age caused them to stop or reduce working. That's why Social Security is referred to as an insurance program. Thus, the principle of the earnings test is that if a person doesn't retire, there is no loss of income to be replaced by Social Security benefits.

Note that I'm only explaining, not defending, the reasoning used by Congress when they included the earnings test in the Social Security law. Only Congress has the authority to eliminate or amend the earnings test, so if you disagree with the earnings test provision you should address your concerns with your representatives in Congress.

Best, Jerry

Sep 28 2022 - 5:43pm
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