Ask Larry

Who Do I Have To See About Adjusting My Payment Amount?

I resided in Canada for 33 years. When I turned 62 I applied for SS retirement. At the time I was receiving Canada Disability payments. So SS decided to claw back about $190. When I turned 65 in 2014 my disability stopped and I only received money I paid into Canada Pension Plan. SS told me let them know when I stopped receiving CPP. So now I am trying to get SS to give me my original amour of benefit which was supposed to be $690. They were only giving me $477. per month since 2014. Who do I have to call or see to get this money that they "clawed" back from my Social Security check?



Hi Marie,

If your foreign pension has now stopped, you should report it to Social Security. You can try calling them, but it would probably be better to visit your nearest office ( You'll want to take proof of any changes in your foreign pension with you when you visit.

For more information on the windfall elimination provision (WEP), refer to the following pamphlet:

Best, Jerry

Feb 16 2017 - 8:15am
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