Hi, I am 63 year old and I would like to know if I could start getting my benefit now and still continue to work. Thanks, Williene
Williene, you'll be subject to the earnings test before your full retirement age (FRA), which could reduce or wipe out any benefits between now and your FRA. For every dollar above the exempt amount, $15,720 in 2016, Social Security will withhold $1 in benefits for every $2 of earnings. In the year your attain your FRA, the exempt amount is higher, $41,880 for those attaining FRA in 2016. Also, Social Security only withholds $1 in benefits for every $3 of earnings in excess of the higher exempt amount in your FRA year. So depending on how much you earn each year, you may or may not receive any benefits you apply for before your FRA. See this link for more on the Earnings Test. Our software can calculate the effect of the Earnings Test before FRA to see whether you'd receive benefits or not. Thanks, John