Ask Larry

Section 8 And Medicaid

How Would Working Affect My Benefits?

I was born 22/Apr/1950; "Disabled" 2000 'til age 65, then switched to 'Retirement', Current $1249/mo/SSI Deposits.
Disabled condition is somewhat better, would like to earn 20-30 hrs Limited PT, without severely affecting my HUD Sect-8 Voucher, Full MEDICARE, MEDICAID Dual Qualified coverages. (NO ONE WANTS <10-20 wkly hr workers).
Considering high transportation costs, I assume I need to make $10-12/hr. Found out the FPL was increased Mar/2018.
Horrible at math, haven't gotten straight answers from SSA or the incorrectly informed VR agencies.

Sunday, July 8, 2018 - 19:44

Can My Daughter Apply For Section 8 Housing Assistance?

Social Security has found in my daughter's favor, and made her eligible for an SSI payment per month, and also awarded her a back payment of over $19,000 min. to $ 45,000 max. They seem to be confused as to the final amount at this time ! But that isn't our question. Which is : if she puts that money into a savings and checking account, will she still be able to apply for Section 8 Low Cost Housing help ? Thank you for your time.


I'm sorry, but Social Security is my only area of expertise, so I am unable to answer your question.

Sunday, April 16, 2017 - 06:17

What Should I Do About My Whole Life Policy?

Yes, I am age 81 and I am on Section 8 and medicaid..I fould out by accident my Life Insurance is Whole life Not Term...The Value is $3,885.34..Do I Cancel the Policy... Surrender Ownership. .spend down or......Transfer ownership to a funeral home...


I'm sorry, but I am unable to answer your question. I am only knowledgeable on Social Security matters, not section 8 nor Medicaid. You will need check with the agencies that handle those benefits, and/or consult someone with expertise in those programs.

Best, Jerry

Sunday, October 23, 2016 - 20:45
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