Ask Larry


Will Repaying Six Months Of Benefits Add Six Months Of Delayed Retirement Credits To My Own Retirement Benefits?

In May of this year I reached Full Retirement Age and I started receiving my Social Security (SS) Retirement benefits. In November I suspended those benefits and I applied for SS Survivors benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) allowed me to start those survivors benefits retroactively 6 months. I will have to repay the SSA for the 6 months I was paid for my own retirement benefits.

My question is: will the repayment of those 6 months add 6 months to the delayed retirement credit of my own retirement benefits? Thank you.

Thursday, December 1, 2022 - 15:34

Can I Create A Social Security Online Account For My Wife Using My Login Information?

I've created a Social Security online account for myself, can I create an account for my wife in this same login? Or does it have to be a completely separate account with it's own login? Thank you.

Hi. My expertise is limited to Social Security benefits, not Social Security's website. My guess is that you and your wife would each need to establish individual 'my Social Security' accounts and login information, but I can't say for sure.

Best, Jerry

Sunday, April 10, 2022 - 20:25
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