Ask Larry


Can I Get Part Of My Husband's VA Disability?

If l'm still married and l get disability for myself and l get my husband pension, can l get part of his veteran's disability, we are not together and l live in another state, but legally we are still married


I'm sorry, but my only area of expertise is Social Security. I assume that you'd need to contact the Veteran's Administration to get your question answered.

I can tell you that veteran's benefits do not affect Social Security disability benefits, but would count as income against Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments.

Sunday, December 11, 2016 - 10:30

I Need Help Filing For Disability Benefits

Dear Larry, I am currently 58 and will be 59 in 2 months in 2016. I have worked as a RN FT for 15 years and then only sporadically for a few years (I was in graduate school) then I had a child with some severe medical problems (landing him in the ICU twice and he later became lead poisoned and has ADHD so his problems throughout his childhood had limited me to PT work).

Saturday, July 16, 2016 - 23:30
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