Ask Larry

Will I Be Taxed For The SS Benefits I Receive?

Hi Larry,
I will turn 66 on 12/26/2019 , still working. as long as I can.
I applied for SS benefits starting January 2020
Will I be taxed for the SS Benefits?
If yes, can I cancel my benefits as I have not received yet.


Whether or not you will owe taxes on any of your Social Security benefits depends on the amount of your other income. For a basic explanation of the taxation rules, refer to the following Social Security website:

The answer to your other question is yes, you could elect to withdraw your application for benefits and reapply later ( You may want to strongly consider using our software ( to determine your best course of action. Depending on whether or not you are married and especially since you were born prior to January 2 1954, you may have better filing options available to you that the software would be able to identify.

Best, Jerry

Dec 24 2019 - 9:38am
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