My daughter die in 2018, I just turned 62 this August 2019, I would like to know if I’m entitled to her Survival Benefits from SS because she took care of me for the last 10 years and filed me on her tax returns
I'm sorry for your loss.
You might be able to qualify for Social Security parent's benefits, but in order to qualify all of the following conditions would need to be met:
a) Your daughter was insured for Social Security benefits;
b) You're not entitled to a higher Social Security retirement benefit on your own record;
c) You were receiving at least one-half support from your daughter at the time of her death and you submit evidence to substantiate that support to Social Security within 2 years of your daughter's death;
d) You have not remarried since your daughter's death (
If you think that you may qualify for parent's benefits on your daughter's record, you should contact Social Security as soon as possible to file an application and submit any required proof that your daughter was providing at least one half of your support. Parent's benefits are not reduced for age if you start drawing them at age 62.
Best, Jerry