Ask Larry

When Can I Expect To See My Full DRC Increase?

Hi Larry, Started SSB in June 2017 at age 69 expected to see my full DRC 24% in January 2018 payable in February 2018. I checked my SS online account and it shows January SSB payable in February still at 1.20667% of my FRA. When can I expect to see my full 24% DRC.
Thanks Larry would appreciate any help.


Social Security will eventually do an automated recomputation to give you your delayed retirement credits (DRC) for 2017, but my understanding is that these types of recomputations are only done every other year. So, your recomputation may not be done until sometime in 2019. If it's any consolation, Social Security will pay you any back pay that you are due retroactive to January 2018.

Best, Jerry

Jan 10 2018 - 4:54pm
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