I will be FRA (66) 1/2018 and am still working and plan to continue. I would like to receive my first check 01/2018 instead of 2/2018 which will cost me about 10.00 for drawing it a month early. I will indicate that I would like to receive it 12/2017 (c. of question 26 application) so the check will be available 1/2018. Now I will have made over the yearly earnings so will I have a problem? Any advice will be appreciated.
Yes, unless you were born on January 1st, the Social Security earnings test (https://www.ssa.gov/planners/retire/whileworking2.html) may prevent you from drawing benefits for December 2017. If you will earn more than $1410 that month and more than $16,920 this year, drawing benefits starting with December may not be a viable option for you.
The maximization software available on this website can analyze all of your options and help you determine your best filing strategy.
Best, Jerry