Ask Larry

Can I File Just For Spousal Benefits And Allow My Own Rate To Grow Until Age 70?

I am 64 (DOB 8/20/53) and my wife is 60 (DOB 1/4/57). When my wife turns 63 (1/4/2020), I will be 66 and 4 months old. If she files for her Social Security benefit then, can I apply for spousal benefits and let my benefit grow until 8/2023 when I turn 70?
I have used several online tools including Maxifi and other than waiting until my wife and I turn 70 (which we cannot afford to do), this seems to be the best case scenario but I am unsure if it is still allowed after the Budget Act of 2015.
Thanks for your help,

Hi Bob,

Yes, you can. The 2015 amendments grandfathered people born prior to January 2 1954 from being affected by the new deeming rules (

The maximization software available on this website can help your and your wife explore all of your filing options and determine your best overall strategy.

Best, Jerry

Oct 4 2017 - 6:39am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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