Ask Larry

If I've Requested A Withdrawal Of My Claim Is It Possible To Get An Extension Of The Time Limit For Repaying My Benefits?

I'm 64 years old and took social security at 63 for 9 months, due to unemployment. I've withdrawn my application but most likely won't be able to pay back my benefits by the due date of 75 days. Is an extension greater than 75 days possible, or an installment plan past the 75 day limit? I'm employed now and could repay but not the full amount by the 75 day due date. For full amount I would need 4 to 6 months.

Hi. No. There's really no set time limit for repaying benefits when you withdraw a claim, but if you don't repay the benefits in full by the deadline that Social Security gives you then they'll likely disallow your withdrawal request. You can't repay in installments. You could appeal if Social Security disallows your withdrawal request, but you'd almost certainly lose your appeal if you haven't repaid all of the benefits you've been paid in full.

You do have up to 12 months from the first month of your benefit entitlement during which you can withdraw your claim for Social Security retirement benefits. I don't know how close you are to that deadline, but if your withdrawal request is disallowed it may be possible for you to file another request for withdrawal as long as you do so within your 12 month deadline.

Best, Jerry

Nov 27 2021 - 12:11pm
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