Ask Larry

If I Start My Benefits Effective With The Month I Reach Age 70 Will My First Payment Include Credit For Current Year DRCs?

If I turn 70 in December 2021and apply for benefits to start that month with my first check deposited January 2022 ....will I get credit for all my 2021 DRC's in that January 2022 check. ...or because of IRS computers will it be January 2023 before I see the bump for the 2021 DRC's...(with an accompanying retroactive amount)?....alternatively. ..if I wait just one month after I turn 70 to apply....thus giving up one month's check....will the 2021 DRC's be applied right away for the rest of the eleven 2022 checks?


Yes, all of your 2021 DRCs will be credited immediately if you claim your benefits effective with December 2021 and if you reach age 70 in that month. As long as a person doesn't claim benefits effective with any months prior to the month they reach age 70, they are credited will all of the DRCs they've earned for months prior to the month they reach age 70 regardless of what month of the year their birthday occurs.

Best, Jerry

Aug 11 2020 - 10:04am
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