I divorced June 2017. My ex just told me that I still qualify for a small amount of his pension from the UK. (He was born and raised in N. Ireland and worked there till he came to the states at the age of 29.)
I am 71 and getting social security from my deceased first husband. I still work, self-employed and make only $6000 yearly.
The UK pension would give me an additional $200 month. If I choose to take that money, would that impact my monthly SS which is currently $2100?
I won't take the money if it will reduce my SS.
That pension money would go directly into one of two US bank accounts. I would declare that as income. If I state 'pension income' I'm concerned could decrease my SS benefits.
I appreciate your response.
Hi Joanne,
No type of foreign pension would have any effect on your survivor benefits, and even if you received Social Security benefits on your own record a foreign pension based on a spouse's work would have no effect on your Social Security benefits.
So, it sounds like you should be able to receive the UK pension you describe without any impact on your U.S. Social Security benefits.
Best, Jerry