Ask Larry

If I Have Taxes Withheld From My Benefits, Will The Withholding Amount Be Based On My Net Benefit Rate?

I have a question that I can't find answered anywhere on the Internet, and hope you can answer it. If I use Form W-4V to withhold 7% of my social security benefit for federal income tax, will Social Security multiply that 7% times my gross benefit, or will they first subtract out Medicare Part B and Part D premium amounts? I thought I saw somewhere that they would apply the percentage to the net amount after the premiums are subtracted out, but now I can't find anything in writing. This makes a difference to how I fill out the form and how I budget. And maybe someone else would like to know the answer also. Thanks!


I'm sorry, but I can't give you a definite answer. I thought that the withholding was based on the gross amount before other deductions, but I recently received a question from another reader that indicates the withholding is based on the net amount. Social Security's website isn't clear on this subject (, so I'm afraid you'll need to check with Social Security for an answer.

Best, Jerry

Jan 24 2019 - 9:13am
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