Ask Larry

If I Collect Social Security How Much Can I Earn Without Being Heavily Taxed?

I’m 60 now. I already collect a pension which amounts to $2,800 a month. If I collect SS at 62 1/2 or 66 years old, how much can I earn without being heavily taxed? I have a small business which earns about $5000 a year now.


I'm sorry but my only area of expertise is Social Security, so I'm unable to answer tax questions. Part of your Social Security benefits could be taxable as income depending on how much other income you have. For more information on the taxation of Social Security benefits, refer to the following Social Security website:

It sounds like you might benefit from signing up for our Maxifi program, which is a complete financial planning tool. For more information on how the Maxifi software works, click on the following link:

Best, Jerry

Sep 25 2018 - 11:39am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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