Ask Larry

How Will Earning $25,000 Annually Affect My Social Security Benefits?

I plan on retiring at 63 I make 25,000 a year as a seasonal employee for Nassau county how will this affect my social security benefits?

Hi. Until you reach your full retirement age (FRA), Social Security would need to withhold $1 of your Social Security benefits for each $2 that you earn in excess of that year's annual earnings test exempt amount. In 2022, the exempt amount for people under FRA is $19,560 (

On the plus side, your continued earnings could potentially increase your Social Security retirement benefit rate, but only if your earnings are subject to Social Security tax withholding and if your earnings are higher than they were in one of your previous highest 35 years of Social Security covered wage-indexed earnings (

There isn't enough information in your question for me to be able to give you any advice about your options for filing for benefits. You may want to strongly consider using our software ( to fully analyze all of your options so that you can determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Aug 22 2022 - 12:52pm
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