Hello, after you send the conserved funds back to Social Security, how long does it typically take for them to reissue the funds to the child who turned 18?
Hi. In the past I would have said 30 to 90 days, but all Social Security functions seem to be taking longer these days. I don't know if that's a result of understaffing, poor training, or COVID, but it's likely some combination of those factors. What I would suggest is that if you think that Social Security is taking an unreasonable amount of time to take action on something, then contact the offices of your U.S. Congressional representative or one of your U.S. senators. Congress is responsible for the funding and oversight of Social Security, so they need to know about problems within the agency. Also, inquiries to Social Security submitted by a member of Congress on behalf of a constituent can often expedite processing of their issue.
Best, Jerry