Ask Larry

How Does the New Law Affect Filing and Suspending for Us?

Hi, My DOB is 12/20/48, my spouses DOB is 1/30/51. After four trips to the Social Security office, I was allowed to file and suspend my benefits. Within about a week, I received my Social Security Insurance check. Which I returned and told them that I had suspended my benefits. My husband, the younger person, was told he could not apply for spousal benefits until he reached 66 years of age. Is this correct? We made four trips and waits at the Social Security Office. Each time we were told something different. Can you give me any information? Thanks, Shirley

Shirley, if you suspended your retirement benefit by April 29 2016, then you did so under the old rules which means that your husband can file for his spousal benefit while your benefit is suspended. If you suspended your retirement benefit after April 29, then you did so under the new rules and he cannot receive his spousal benefit while your retirement benefit is suspended. Also, he can for his spousal benefit as early as 62 but if he does so before his full retirement age (FRA) of 66, he'd be deemed to also have filed for his retirement benefit. At or after 66 he can file just for his spousal benefit and delay his retirement benefit up to age 70. But you do have to have suspended by April 29 for him to collect it while your retirement benefit is suspended. Thanks, John

Jul 7 2016 - 10:00pm
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