Ask Larry

Doesn't It Make More Sense For Me To Start Drawing Effective With January Rather Than June?

I was planning to take ss when I turn 68 in June. It looks like the most recent delayed retirement credits is only applied annually. If I want to go with the 1/1/2021 year end valuation and not wait until June do I simply apply and request benefits to start as of Jan 2022? Seems like waiting does not make any sense.

Hi. Well, if you do start your benefits effective with January 2022, you'll be credited with all of the delayed retirement credits (DRC) you accrued through December 2021. But, if you start your benefits effective with June 2022 instead, even though you'd initially be credited only with the delayed retirement credits (DRC) you accrued through December 2021, you'd subsequently receive credit for the 5 additional months of DRCs you earned from January 2022 through May 2022 effective with your benefit payment starting in January 2023. Therefore, your permanent monthly benefit rate will be roughly 3.333% lower if you start drawing effective with January 2022 rather than June 2022.

Before deciding when to start your benefits, you should strongly consider using our software ( to compare and fully analyze all of your options so that you can determine your best strategy for maximizing your benefits.

Best, Jerry

Feb 9 2022 - 2:56pm
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