Can you verify the accuracy of this article. The article states that once you achieve Full Retirement Age you no longer are required to pay any income tax on your social security earnings regardless of how much you earn or receive from pensions, IRAs, etc. To my knowledge this is not true, but has there been a change to the Social Security income taxation rules? I thought that you had to be aware that there is a potential that your Social Security could always be subject to the 50%/85% taxation even after reaching Full Retirement Age.
Hi. We can't post links to articles other than those with which we're familiar for security reasons, but if the article you refer to states that Social Security benefits are exempt from income tax once a person reaches full retirement age (FRA) then the article is wrong.
What changes when a person reaches their FRA is that they can then earn an unlimited amount of money without losing any of their benefits due to the earnings test ( However, Social Security benefits are still potentially subject to income taxes regardless of the age of the person receiving benefits. For more information on taxation of Social Security benefits, refer to the following Social Security website:
Best, Jerry