My husband is 66 years old and I will be 66 years old on July 13, 2016. We have not yet filed for our social security benefits.. My huband can collect $2366./mth. and I can collect $1743./mth. On July 13th, (my 66th birthday) I would like to apply for my benfits($1743.) and my husband would like to apply for spousal benefits (1/2 of mine =$871.50) and let his benefits grow until age 70. This strategy, I believe, is called a restricted application. We meet all the criteria for this strategy which is having been born before 12/31/53 and never having applied for benefits. We've called social security several times and even went in person to apply for the restricted application but have been told repeatedly that we can not do this. They said we both had to apply for our own benefits and this strategy has now been eliminated. I believe they were talking about the file and suspend strategy. They never heard of the restricted application strategy. We left there totally confused. Are we wrong? Did we get this strategy all wrong? We don't know what to do. Any advise would be helpful. Thanks, Linda
Gloria, filing a restricted application simply means filing for just one benefit when you're eligible to file for more than one. As long as you were born on or before January 1 1954 you can file a restricted application at or after your FRA. Also, the ability to file and suspend has not been eliminated despite what people who don't understand the new law might claim. Though certain incentives to file and suspend have been eliminated, others remain. But in your case your husband can file just for his spousal benefit after your file for your retirement at your FRA. Then at 70 he can file for his increased retirement benefit. Our software can confirm whether this is in fact your maximized strategy and allow you to enter different what-if scenarios for comparison. Thanks, John