Ask Larry

Can I File Just for My Spousal Benefit at FRA?

Hi, my husband was 67 in March 2016. He has been retired from the Dept of Defense since April 1, 2015, (one year). He draws a FERS pension (Federal Employees Retirement System). He has NOT started taking Social Security but did file and suspend before the April deadline in 2016. He plans to start drawing Social Security at age 70. I am 64 and will be 65 in September 2016. I recently retired after working 46 years. I have NOT filed for Social Security. My plan is to file for Spousal Benefit at age 66 however the Spousal benefit of 50% of my husbands is $1750. My own benefit at 66 is $2,142. Can I draw the spousal benefit of $1750 from 66 to 70, let my benefit increase the 8% and then switch to my full benefit at age 70? Thanks, Joyce

Joyce, since your husband suspended his retirement benefit before the April deadline and because you were born before January 2 1954, you can restrict your application to just your spousal benefit at your full retirement age (FRA) and delay filing for your retirement benefit up age 70. You'll earn delayed retirement credits of 8% per year applied monthly to your retirement benefit. Thanks, John

Jul 8 2016 - 9:30pm
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