Ask Larry

Is The Advice I Received Correct?

Love the software, but my year is about to run out and I need to find out if I am incorrect or there is an error in current software - my spouse turned 66 on April 10 of 2016. As directed by the software, she filed and suspended (well before April 29). I will turn 66 in January of 2017. It was my understanding that at that time I could apply for spousal benefit without my spouse having to reinstating her benefit. I thought that was the loophole that only changed changed after April 29. I'd appreciate your answer.


Yes, if this is what the software recommended in your case, it sounds like you've done everything correctly so far. Since your wife filed and suspended prior to the April 29 2016 deadline, you can file a restricted application for spousal benefits only effective with the month you reach age 66, and you will be able to draw your spousal benefits while her benefits are suspended. For confirmation, see FAQ #4 of the following reference from Social Security's website:

Best, Jerry

Oct 18 2016 - 11:30am
MaxiFi software running on a laptop
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