Ask Larry

Is There Anything I Can Do If I Wish I Wouldn't Have Started My Benefits At Age 62?

In March 2005 I was a victim of a hit and run auto accident Later had súbditas hematoma surgery My insurance agent told me I had to take social security at 62. I did but now wished I’d waited until 66. She was an Aetna rep and denies she did this. I’m now 75. Thank you

Hi. If the Social Security benefit you started drawing at age 62 was Social Security disability (SSDI), then it was probably good advice to start your benefits as soon as possible. SSDI benefits aren't reduced for age so there's generally no downside for starting those benefits early.

However, if you applied for Social Security retirement benefits at age 62 then you benefit rate would have been reduced for age and you'd be stuck with the reduction for as long as you live. If that's what happened, it's unfortunately too late to make any changes.

Best, Jerry

Jul 10 2021 - 11:47am
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