Love your book. Thank you for writing it. My sister is turning 62 in dec 2016. Her ex husband of 17 years died a few years ago at aboit 50 to 55. So he nevered claim any ss. She would like to retire this year and just claim a restricted application for surviver benefits. She would then wait to fra to claim her own benefit. Can she do this and not mess up her benefits or fall into the deeming black hole? Thanks, Trey
Trey, she can file for her widow's benefit as early as 60 but it will be reduced. She could then switch to her unreduced retirement benefit at her FRA or delay and file for her increased retirement benefit at 70. But it might be better to file for her reduced retirement benefit at 62 and then file for her unreduced widow's benefit at FRA. See more on survivor's benefit in Chapter 4 and other benefits in Chapter 3 of the Social Security handbook. She can also use our software to determine her maximized strategy and compare any number of alternative what-if scenarios as well. Thanks, John