Ask Larry

What Will Happen To My Benefits If I Win Money On A Televised Game Show?

I receive SSI, and have been offered the chance to participate on a televised game show with the possibility of winning a million dollars as the top prize. If I win any sum of money (say, $25,000), what will happen with my benefits?

Hi. If what you receive is Supplemental Security Income (SSI), then winning a large amount on a game show would almost certainly stop your SSI payments at least temporarily. Any income that you win on a game show would offset your monthly SSI payment amount for that month basically dollar for dollar, and you couldn't resume being paid SSI benefits for as long as you have a total of more than $2000 in countable assets.

However, winning money on a game show would not affect a person's Social Security benefits. Unlike SSI payments, Social Security benefits are not needs based.

Best, Jerry

Feb 10 2023 - 8:03pm
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