Ask Larry

What Should I Do Now?

I'm 67 (1-30-50)and when I met with someone in the SS office late last year to file and suspend they said since I was going to file and suspend don't bother filing until I turned 70. My wife will be 65 this Nov. and is still working. What should I do now that I just realized that I had until April to file. Another person suggested that my wife file and suspend now and for me to take 1/2 the benefits and still not file.


If you file and suspend your benefits now, your wife would not be able to receive spousal benefits on your record while your benefits are in suspense. And, vice versa.

If you had filed and suspended your benefits prior to April 30 2016, your wife could have filed for and received spousal benefits only at full retirement age (FRA) while allowing her own benefit rate to grow until age 70. But that would have eliminated your option to potentially receive spousal benefits on your wife's record while letting your benefits grow until age 70. However, your wife would have to be drawing her retirement benefits in order for you to be able to receive spousal benefits.

Your best course of action depends on your and your wife's relative benefit rates as well as how much your wife will be earning prior to her FRA. The maximization software available on this website can analyze your options and help you determine your best overall filing strategy.

Best, Jerry

Jul 7 2017 - 7:11am
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