Ask Larry

Payment Dates

When Will I Get My Benefit Payments?

If I have been getting paid on the 3rd of the month. In that case my birthday is the 31st of January. If I don't receive a check on the 3rd that means all of my finances will be discombobulated due to Auto pays and first of the month utility dates. So I would be without income .So can I expect my check deposit on the 3rd of Feb and the new dispensation on Feb 23 and on the 4 Wed in the following months. What I've read is unclear & stressing me out.Please help me understand the reality

Monday, January 31, 2022 - 15:01

Do I Need To Contact Social Security About My Payment Date?

I'm 87 yrs old, I've been on Social Security for many, many years. My S S pmt has always been deposited on the third of each month, now according to SS, they will deposit my pmt. on the fourth Wednesday of the month., My Birthday is August 21st. Do I need to to contact Social Security? This changes my monthly obligations.

Hi. Only Social Security has access to your records, so if your payment date is changing then you'd need to call them for an explanation. You aren't allowed to voluntarily change your payment date, however.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 - 10:50

Why Was I Paid Early This Month?

I normally receive my payments on the 4th Wednesday of the month. But this month, January 2022, I received payment on January 21st, a Friday. I don't see any holiday associated. Why was I paid early?

Hi. I have no idea. I suppose it's possible that your bank credited your account sooner that it was supposed to, but that's only a guess.

Best, Jerry

Monday, January 24, 2022 - 15:10

Can I Change My Payment Date?

i would like to know if i could change my check date to the 3dr of the month instead of getting it on the 3dr wendsday do to my rent is now do on the 3dr or i must pay $25.00 late fee which i just dont"t have i started reciveing my ss check back in 2007 i hope you can help me

Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - 15:06

Why Has My Payment Date Changed?

I’ve always been paid on the 3rd of each month my birthday is between 1-10 now my pay is the 2nd Wednesday why was this changed I’m 72

Hi. There haven't been any changes in Social Security's regulations regarding payment dates since 1997, so I don't know why your payment date is changing unless there's been a change in your status.

Monday, January 3, 2022 - 08:14

Why Is My Payment Date Changing?

I have been getting my social security for years now on the 3rd of the month and pay my rent then. Why has it changed? If I don't get it the second Wed. Of the month I'm going to have to pay a late payment. I'm 78 yes old and get under $1300 a month and live from pay check to pay check. HELP!

Saturday, January 1, 2022 - 15:57
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