Ask Larry

Can My Son's Auxiliary Benefits Be Used To Reduce My Child Support?

I am in family Court my son receive auxiliary benefits from his mom's SSDI they are asking me to pay child support he received $998 my order to pay child support is $1,100 can the auxiliary money be offset to where I only have to pay $200

Hi. If your son's auxiliary benefits come from his mother's account, then I don't see how that could be used to reduce your child support. I'm not a lawyer, though, so I can't give you definite answer. I have known of cases where courts reduced child support when the child was collecting auxiliary benefits from the Social Security account of the parent that owed the child support.

In any case, though, Social Security has no jurisdiction in determining child support. Only the court that ordered the child support can change the child support amount.

Best, Jerry

Oct 20 2022 - 1:02pm
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