Ask Larry

Does The Fact That My Husband Previously Received SSDI Change His Options?

As a follow-up to your answer to my June 14, 2018 -5:17PM question: "Can I Take Spousal at FRA and allow My own Rate to Grow...."

My husband was on SSDI until 6/17 when he turned 66 and then suspended to earn DRC. Because he was on SSDI I don't think he can file for spousal benefits when I am 66 and I take my own benefit. Correct? Will your software allow for this scenerio?
Thanks Again


Yes, as I noted in my original answer to you your husband could only file for spousal benefits only while letting his own benefit rate grow if he hasn't already filed for benefits on his own record. Since he received disability benefits (SSDI) which would have converted to regular retirement benefits when he reached full retirement age (FRA), he no longer has the option of drawing spousal benefits while letting his own rate grow. That's true even though he's suspended his own benefits.

And yes, our software would take into account that your husband has filed for and suspended his benefits and could help you determine your best overall filing strategy based on your remaining options.

Best, Jerry

Jun 15 2018 - 8:58am
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