Ask Larry

Can I Lose My SSDI Benefits If I Start Working Part-Time?

Hi there, Can I lose my SSDI benefits if I start working part-time and have a disability from depression, but currently stable. I would like to work at least 15 works a week. I am just 43 years old and I graduated from college.

Hi. You could lose your Social Security disability (SSDI) benefits if you either work and earn too much to be considered as disabled, or if Social Security does a medical review and decides that your impairment is no longer considered disabling.

SSDI benefits don't stop due to a person's earnings unless they earn above the amount that Social Security classifies as substantial gainful activity (SGA). The current monthly SGA amount is $1310, but that amount will increase to $1350 in 2022. For more detailed information on working while collecting SSDI benefits, refer to the following Social Security publication:

Best, Jerry

Oct 26 2021 - 6:22pm
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