Ask Larry

Can I Get Spousal Benefits Now?

After reading the book "Get What's Yours", and since my husband filed and suspended at 66 and I turned 62 before April 30, 2016, I visited the Social Security office and was told that I would not get the full half of spousal benefits.
I have not filed yet, but have made another appointment on Sept. 7. After inquiring again by phone, I was told to bring the relevant information with me. However, I was not able to find anything on the official Social Security website. Therefore, I'm asking you for help with this perplexing issue and hope to hear from you before my appointment.
Thank you in advance.


If your husband suspended his benefits before April 30 2016, then you could potentially draw spousal benefits on his record while his benefits are in suspense ( However, you must be at least full retirement age (FRA) in order to file just for spousal benefits only without also being deemed to file for benefits on your own record. If you file before FRA, you would be deemed to be filing for both retirement and spousal benefits and you would only receive essentially the higher of the 2 benefit rates, plus your benefit amount would be reduced for age.

You don't mention your current age or the date when your husband suspended his benefits, so I really can't advise you. You may want to strongly consider using the maximization software available on this website to determine your best course of action.

Best, Jerry

Aug 30 2017 - 8:05am
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