Ask Larry

Can I Collect Retirement Benefits First And Then Switch To Widow's Benefits?

Hi, My husband died at age 64 last year, he would have turned 65 four months ago. I am 60, worked clerical type stuff for 25 years. Am now self employed, but pay income tax, he was the breadwinner...I went to social security, was given the amount spreadsheet, and I am aware that I can start collecting his when I wish. However, I am confused - my own ss is a lot lower (400/month) and I was wondering if I can collect any of that when I am 62, then switch over to his benefits. Thank you!!


I'm sorry for your loss.

Yes, you can potentially file for reduced retirement benefits at age 62, and then file for unreduced widow's benefits at your full retirement age (FRA). However, if your husband received reduced retirement benefits prior to his death, the reduction that he took will carry over to your widow's rate. In that case, it would likely be advantageous for you to file for your widow's benefits sometime before FRA. But, there is an earnings test that could limit the amount of benefits that you can receive prior to FRA (

The maximization software available on this website is programmed to handle all of the factors involved in your case, so you should strongly consider using the software to determine your best filing strategy. The software should be able to tell you exactly when it would be best for you to file for each type of benefit, as well as your potential benefit rates.

Best, Jerry

May 31 2017 - 7:55am
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