Ask Larry

What Are We Supposed To Do?

I receive my check on the 3rd and with new dates, it will not be January 19th, which will mean almost a month before funds are deposited since the first of December. What are we supposed to do?

Hi. I'm sorry, but I don't have an answer for you. All I can tell you is that the only people who should still be receiving their benefit payments on the 3rd day of the month are a) people who applied for benefits prior to April 30 1997, or b) people who also receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments, or c) people who are residing outside of the U.S. If you don't meet one of those exceptions, then you should be paid either on the 2nd. 3rd, or 4th Wednesday of each month depending on your birthday or the birthday of the person on whose account you are paid benefits (

As I've told others who've written in on this subject, the law changing payment dates for most people to either the 2nd. 3rd, or 4th Wednesday of the month was passed into law by Congress in 1997. Only Congress has the power to amend that law, so if you don't meet one of the exceptions that would allow you to continue being paid on the 3rd day of the month then you should contact your representatives in Congress to let them know of your concerns.

Best, Jerry

Dec 5 2021 - 5:47pm
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